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Law Firm Social Media Management
Our Law Firm Social Media Management Services offer a complete in-house solution for your most important social media marketing platforms. Our team will create custom law firm niche specific content attracting your target audience and post multiple times per platform daily. Feel free to view the content prior to posting via your Law Firm Social Media Management client dashboard. View, edit and approve our custom content if you wish or just leave the heavy lifting to us and we'll manage this most important digital asset for you.

Daily Keyword Tracking Report & App
Unlike most Law Firm SEO Marketing Companies we offer a Daily keyword rank tracking report promptly delivered to your inbox without fail. In addition we also offer a custom downloadable mobile app that allows live coverage of the current positive results we're achieving for your company. No more doubt as to what we doing. You can follow along with us daily.

Law Firm SEO Services
Our primary focus is Professional, White Hat, Proven, Strategic, Aggressive, Up To Date "Gold in Googles Eyes" SEO practices that obtain position for optimum visibility of your law firm and keep it there. Our Agency Provides Law Firm SEO services that center on the most profitable Keywords for your law firm all the while separating you from your competition, drastically increasing visibility and exploding your bottom line! Our services consistently prove to yield the best ROI of our clients marketing dollars bar none!

Law Firm SEO Services Exclusivity
Our company policy will only allow us to provide SEO Services for one Law Firm per location/targeted Keyword during our professional relationship with your firm. It's simply the morally correct and ethically responsible behavior for an agency of our caliber. If we're working with someone in your area we'll let you know up front. No Exceptions.

Reputation Management
Law Firm Reputation Management services are available as a stand alone service or may be included as part of our monitoring process when marketing your Law Firm. Instead of being held hostage by false information, let us take control of your reputation. False accusations, complaints and "less then professional" remarks are systematically pushed out of reach of the public eye during your client relationship with Law Firm SEO Services Reputation Management System. We'll ensure your potential clients see your firm for it's true value.

Experienced SEO Professionals
Our experience and expertise stands unmatched in our field. Our combined team and intellectual network spans decades of experience. In addition we are aligned with the best SEOs' in the world attending multiple weekly mastermind sessions via various forms of live online outlets. Constant research and development of our processes is a necessity.

Get A Free Website SEO Analysis Online Now
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Professional Law Firm SEO Services
Strategically Places Your Law Firm
In The Top Positions Of The Google Search Pages
Separating Your Firm From Your Competition
Drastically Increasing Your Visibility
Decreasing Marketing Expenses
Exploding Your Bottom Line!
And Provides Absolutely the BEST ROI
Bar None!

Social Media Management Services
Keeping up with your social media outlets is difficult enough despite having to change platforms and keep up with our past posts, current posts and whew!... what we're going to post?!? If it were just in one place where we could see everything it would be so much easier. I know right? Well, that's exactly what we have for you here.
We're offering you a social media management platform for free to handle all your posting needs. Click here (Social Media Monitoring Tools) to give it spin. It's on the house. Free forever!
Now all you have to do is create content to post to all those sites...
Create 60 pieces of social media this month. Post it every few hours. Find time to run business. Repeat next month.
If this doesn't sound like your idea of a good time, let Law Firm SEO Services take over your social media management. Free up time for what you do best: Run your business! Let Law Firm SEO Services distribute customized content to your social media accounts.
Why A Social Media Management Company Is A Good Investment
A social media management company is something you should look into if you have a business or are well known online. This kind of service will allow for you to hire someone to keep up with your social media accounts. That way, you can work and live your life and if something important happens you'll be on top of it.
The first benefit you can expect to have with a social media management company helping you is that you are going to be able to deal with complaints about your company. Let's say that you get a message that says someone is not happy with your product or service. It's important that you deal with these kinds of things quickly. Otherwise, the person could get fed up and may start shopping elsewhere. Word spreads fast if customers are not happy due to the Internet, so you have to be careful not to ignore customers.
Social media is a type of website that never shuts off. People are going to be on these sites at all times, day and night. That means you're going to want to have someone that can deal with your pages on a regular basis just to keep up with people. If you have a lot of people commenting because you're really popular, you have to have someone fielding the questions and letting you know when something important is being discussed so you can respond to it.
You need to know how to build your profile properly so that it can reach out to the most people possible. One thing you need to remember is that everyone is different, so you don't want your profile to have something on it that people don't agree with if you're representing a company. For instance, if you say that you're someone that only believes in a certain religion, you may end up alienating yourself to only those that agree with you. A management company can make your page something that everyone can agree is good due to the fact that it's only about business or keeping fans in the know about what you're doing.
Reputation management is something that a company like this can help you with. When someone, for instance, leaves a bad review about you on your social media profile, you have to know about it so you can respond accordingly. People will be able to see what you say, so make sure you don't lose your cool. It's best to let the management company handle it, and if you tell that person you'll give their money back or make it right somehow, you're going to want to follow through.
Being careful about what you share is important because people are going to assume this is your company speaking and not you personally. Let's say you're interested in sports and are tempted to gloat about your team's victory that day. Your management company will probably tell you this is not a good idea because some of your customers may not be fans as well. You have to take a neutral approach to what you share and assume that other people are potential customers. Having the ability to have someone else deal with your profile professionally will let you live your personal life and professional one separately.
You shouldn't just get help with your business profile, you should also ask the company to work on your personal page. People are going to look into what you're doing if you have your name attached to your business. Even if you're someone that's famous on a website like one where you share videos, you don't want people to find your personal profile and see things like you drinking on it. It's good to remember that everything you put online is able to be seen by everyone eventually no matter how private settings are because the site could be hacked or someone could take a screenshot of your comments.
Social media websites are going to change over time, and people are going to migrate to different ones. You're going to want to work with those who can stay on top of what is going on and what is popular. For instance, if one site starts to lose popularity in favor of another, you're going to want to have the company set up a profile for you wherever people are going. When one site quits being cool, people tend to switch it up and a good management company will help you stay on top of that.
Anyone that has an online presence or a business should work with a social media management company. That way, you can always be sure to have someone there to keep track of your profiles. Otherwise, you may lose customers because they won't have anything new to look at and may unfollow you.

Social Composer
PKG #1
$299 Monthly
2 Daily Facebook Posts
3 Weekly Facebook Image Posts
3-4 Daily Tweets On Twitter
With 3 Weekly Image Tweets
2 Daily LinkedIn Updates
Images N/A
One-time setup: $199
Social Expert
PKG #2
$399 Monthly
2 Daily Facebook Posts
3 Weekly Facebook Image Posts
3-4 Daily Tweets On Twitter
3 Weekly Image Tweets On Twitter
One-time setup: $199
Social Whiz
PKG #3
$499 Monthly
2 Daily Facebook Posts
3 Weekly Facebook Image Posts
3-4 Daily Tweets On Twitter
3 Weekly Image Tweets On Twitter
2 Daily LinkedIn Updates
One-time setup: $199